Subject: msdosfs-problems
To: None <>
From: Michael Kukat <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/10/2002 15:20:57
i just had several hard problems with msdosfs, and after checking the PR-
database, i also saw some fixes, but those fixes were not included in the
1.5.2-kernel. Aren't closed PRs included in the production releases?
But maybe someone has a solution (as it doesn't work yet, even after patching
according to kern/9206). The problem can be reproduced:
Get the FreeDOS 8 Beta installation image, configure it on a vnode:
vnconfig vnd0 /tmp/img 512/18/2/80
if you do fsck_msdos now, everything is okay. Now mount the image, delete
some stuff (rm -fr util install docs), unmount it, and fsck_msdos again.
At least, the 2 FATs are completely out of sync...
Any solutions? Or should i open a new PR with the seen problems?
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