Subject: Re: AntiVirus scanner for NetBSD/qmail
To: Tomasz Luchowski <>
From: Lubomir Sedlacik <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/10/2002 11:16:17
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On Wed, Apr 10, 2002 at 08:00:37AM +0200, Tomasz Luchowski wrote:
> I was asked to set up some kind of antivirus protection on our mail
> server, running NetBSD 1-5 with qmail. Can anyone recommend something
> they have tried? I'd rather avoid installing something that
> accidentally does not work on NetBSD. I am ready to pay some ammount
> of money for it, if it performs well and does not cause problems.
ESET ( are providing _native_ NetBSD builds of
their Nod32 antivirus system:
it's one of the best av software available - virus bulletin tests:
( and should work with amavis
and they were working on their own interconnection with various MTA, but
i don't know the status atm.
it's not free, though. you can try trial version for Linux emulation
( i talked to the guy who works on
*NIX ports of Nod32 and he promised me to make builds of trial version
for NetBSD as well. althought it doesn't rely only on him..
(management, etc.). afaik, it's the only one AV, which is available in
native binary format (correct me please, if i am wrong)
-- Lubomir Sedlacik <> ASCII Ribbon campaign against /"\=
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