Subject: RE: [open-source] Sun to start charging for Star Office
To: Richard Rauch <>
From: Jim Wise <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/05/2002 21:49:03
Hash: SHA1

On Fri, 5 Apr 2002, Richard Rauch wrote:

>> >This also isn't an appropriate place to discuss a knee injury that I had
>> >some ten years ago, or whether my nose itches, or how the TRS-80 did
>> >graphics.  A few short comments aren't a problem, but if people started
>> >seeing long tirades about my nose, that would not be appropriate to the
>> >list.  It doesn't matter whether you are for or against my nose (or its
>> >itching).  If I disregarded that, I would expect to be directed to look up
>> >an alt. newsgroup for itchy noses.
>> Except that you didn't object to Mr. St.Hilaire's _topic_ (or to any of
>> the other posters on that subject.  You objected to his _position_.  And
>> I don't think that's a good idea.
>Careful about that glass house you're living in, there.

OK, I'd be interested in seeing an instance where I tried to suggest
that someone's _position_ warranted exclusion from the list.

Or are you speaking in riddles again, and what you just said meant
something else?

>> But that's fine.  Continuing to carry on this way is even sillier than
>> the original thread had become...
>Indeed.  But continuing to tell me what I mean and believe, and asking me
>to explain myself, is at odds with your closing sentiment.

Let it go, Richard, let it go...
- -- 
				Jim Wise
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