Subject: RE: [open-source] Sun to start charging for Star Office
To: Jim Wise <>
From: Richard Rauch <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/05/2002 18:56:01
> >> No, I would argue that Mr. St. Hilaire is taking a position which while
> >> quite possibly incorrect is relevant to the thread. And it certainly
> >> seems that your objection to his voicing his position is based on the
> >> content of that position. Am I misunderstanding?
> >
> >At least insofar as my posts are concerned, yes.
> OK, please enlighten me. When you say
> > Stephane: This isn't an appropriate forum for being an MS apologist.
> what _are_ you saying? I would certainly interpret this as saying
> ``agreeing with MS is not acceptable on this list'', and I think most
> readers would do the same...
I said exactly what I said. You can always take what I say and interpret
it as something different, if that pleases you. If you can't detect the
difference in tone and meaning between the quote and the paraphrase that
you supplied, then please refrain from paraphrasing me.
This also isn't an appropriate place to discuss a knee injury that I had
some ten years ago, or whether my nose itches, or how the TRS-80 did
graphics. A few short comments aren't a problem, but if people started
seeing long tirades about my nose, that would not be appropriate to the
list. It doesn't matter whether you are for or against my nose (or its
itching). If I disregarded that, I would expect to be directed to look up
an alt. newsgroup for itchy noses.
> Jim Wise
> Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (NetBSD)
> Comment: For info see
> Z3JDtTYxIT0nGYP6boE1fSs=
> =vbPJ
``I probably don't know what I'm talking about.''