Subject: Re: [open-source] Sun to start charging for Star Office
To: David Maxwell <>
From: John Nemeth <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/03/2002 23:28:42
On Aug 24,  7:03pm, David Maxwell wrote:
} On Wed, Apr 03, 2002 at 02:43:13PM -0500, Stephane St Hilaire wrote:
} > > From: Iggy Drougge []
} > > I'm against being sent anything which I can't read anywhere I 
} > > like to read
} > > mail.
} > 
} > Upgrade your e-mail client, or perhaps you are using something that is no
} > longer evolving and has no plans on supporting new RFCs ?
} Guvf jnf n qr-snpgb fgnaqneq ba gur Vagrearg sbe znal lrnef. Qbrf lbhe
} znvy pyvrag unaqyr vg cebcreyl? Ng gur irel yrnfg, fvapr vg vf abg gur
} pbzzba sbezng sbe pbzzhavpngvbaf urer, nz V abg orvat boabkvbhf ol
} pubbfvat gb jevgr cneg bs zl ercyl va ebg13?

     Dang you!  :->  I don't have a rot13 decoder handy (using MUSH as
an e-mail client with less as a pager {I'm surprised that less doesn't
have a rot13 decoder}).  Oh well, tr to the rescue (let's see Mr. M$ HTML
mail deal with that).

} > > You, a single firm, behave as if
} > > common norms didn't at all exist. No other supplier would 
} > > come up with as
} > > tasteless an idea as making HTML posting not only a 
} > > capability, but the
} > > *default behaviour* of your application. What makes you think that the
} > > standards never apply to you?
} > 
} > Most users like to have the ability to choose font, emphasize and so fourth.
} > Why a technological company would stick to 30 year old "standards" is beyond
} > me unless they want to become dinosaurs and have few users and few
} > applications running on their systems (the obvious key to success).

     They can like whatever they want.  I don't want their crap in my
INBOX!  Especially, since it happens to be a major source of nasty
stuff, not to mention a major waste of resouces.

}-- End of excerpt from David Maxwell