Subject: Re: 720k floppies no longer supported ?
To: None <>
From: Klaus Heinz <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/03/2002 15:36:10
Thomas Mueller wrote:

> from Klaus Heinz <>:

> > Can anyone confirm this problem with 720K floppies ? I could not find
> > an existing problem report about it.

> Did you remember to include a parameter in fdformat command line to indicate
> that the diskette was 720K?  I tried to format two 720K diskettes with

The 'parameter' is the device name /dev/fd0f. 'man 4 fdc' tells me

  The driver supports the following floppy diskette formats by using par-
  ticular partitions:
  720KB  3.5-inch (f)

Using /dev/fd0b with DD floppy disks (just for a test) does not work at all,
every track is marked as defective (E). With /dev/fd0f only some of them
are marked and not the same ones every time I try.

> DR-DOS 7.03 and couldn't make it work until I remembered to add /f:720 to the
> command line.  Then it worked.  Maybe you need to do something comparable with

I had no problems formatting DD disks with Windows as 720K disks.

> I have some 720K diskettes I could try to access in NetBSD, DOS-formatted with
> old data but am not in NetBSD now.  So I will be curious to try and report

Thanks for your help.
