Subject: Re: IP: Wal-Mart PC, Operating System *Not* Included: $399 (fwd)
To: Andrew Basterfield <>
From: Wojciech Puchar <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 02/26/2002 15:47:35
> You have a choice. If you want a PC and don't intend to use MS software,
> *don't* buy a ready-made PC from a brand-name manufacturer that ships with
> MS software preinstalled. Build your own, or get one built to spec, using
> good quality components that have stable drivers under your OS and you
> could just end up with your ideal PC at a cheaper price than a brand-name.
> Live and let live, MS doesn't impinge in BSD it's a different world
> inhabited by different types of people. My Mum can use MS Word but does
> anybody here want to volunteer to teach her how to typeset with latex?
yes right. let M$ sell their product and it's nothing bad in it whateven
it is. but if it forces to use it through law, pressure-fill universities
and school with that, or simply lie when advertising (like saying it's
first OS that can do something) it's criminal. or changing document format
every version of word, giving an option without explanation allowing one
to send mails in DOC format etc... isn't good too.
don't know how in other countries but that's in Poland