Subject: Standard UID/GID numbers
To: NetBSD Users list <>
From: Julio Merino <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 02/16/2002 00:20:20
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Hi all

is it there any list with standard UID/GID numbers? I've come to
the "problem" that, when I add some daemons to my system (apache,
postgresql, etc), they need their own group to run in (the same
happens with UID's). Well, the problem is that I haven't found
any list that "says" which numbers are "standard". I guess there
isn't such list, but it would be cool to have one.

Lets say I want to add postgresql. I look into the list and see
that it would go to 80 UID:GID number, and I'll be sure that
many systems will follow this convention in the default setup.

Following my example, I've come to the problem that I usually
use 70:70 for pgsql user. What happened when I went to an
OpenBSD box? That ID's where already used by named.

Well, is it there any kind of "regulation" or standard?


PD: I usually add my own groups (cdrom, floppy, etc) starting at
500, and users starting at 1000...

Of course it runs NetBSD -
Julio Merino <>

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