Subject: Re: How much code-compatible is NetBSD?
To: NetBSD Users list <>
From: Julio Merino <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 02/13/2002 17:30:09
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On Wed, Feb 13, 2002 at 04:27:34PM +0100, Matthias Buelow wrote:
> Julio Merino writes:
> >I've found some problems while compiling some programs by hand. Lets
> >say Gabber, which uses mkdir() function. In some systems, like FreeBSD,
> >a trailing slash is needed for the function to work, while in NetBSD
> >it is not.
> What?  A trailing slash is certainly not needed on any Unix system,
> including FreeBSD.  In fact, such a factless claim can be easily
> checked before posting to a mailing list a trivial program like
> the following (yes, I did):

I tried it on NetBSD, with a stupid program and saw that it worked without
the slash. I didn't try on FreeBSD because Gabber's developer told me it
failed without it...


> >I guess there will be several more cases where programs do not work
> >well or simply fail when compiling (found some). (I would like to
> >compile Openoffice for example, but I think it will fail).
> This is a problem with Openoffice being written in an unportable way
> then, not with NetBSD or any target operating systems
> Unfortunately much of the software in the light of "Openoffice",
> (i.e., the Windoze-to-Lignux-desktop style crap things) is very
> unportable, even amongst different distributions of Linux, which
> is the only system it's targeted for anyways.

Doh... the problem is that I'm having trouble with getting it working
trought linux emulation (this should be another topic). I also have
find some programs not compiling by some stupid code errors, that I've
tried to solve.

Well, the main point I was asking is if NetBSD is fully "standards"
compliant or not... which I guess it is.

Thanks though.

> --mkb

Of course it runs NetBSD -
Julio Merino <>

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