Subject: X 4.2.0 stability
To: None <>
From: Wojciech Puchar <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 02/12/2002 19:31:58
while my first freezes were the effect of problems with PS/2 connector,
now it's definitely software problem.

i experience hard crashes with X 4.2.0 NetBSD snapshot with pentium-133
and PCI Riva 128.

95% of them is when i use xpdf, another 5% with xpdf in memory and used
before. it's always same scenario: mouse pointer freezes, there are lot of
disk activity for 5-10 seconds, then full freeze so i have to press reset.
nothing is written by syslogd.

is anyone experiencing similar problems and/or have a fix for than.

i temporarily switched to acrobat 4 which never made X crashing, anyway
xpdf was perfectly stable with releases before.

Instead of asking why a piece of software is using "1970s technology,"
start asking why software is ignoring 30 years of accumulated wisdom.