Subject: Re: German "Umlauts" in vi
To: Martin Gerbing <>
From: Hans Dinsen-Hansen <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 02/10/2002 16:12:46
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

On Sun, 10 Feb 2002 14:40:15 +0100, you wrote:

>I have a little problem with the german "Umlauts" in vi.
>I set the encoding to de (wsconsctl -k -w encoding=3Dde) and the console=
>me all "umlauts" correct (oe, ae, ue, ss). ...

Well, the attached "dirty" patches will do it.  Just feed them to sh
and build a new libc.

Afterwards, vi will not only show =E3=F6=FC, but ~ will even make them =

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; name=libc.patch.txt
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=libc.patch.txt

cd /usr/src/lib/libc/gen
patch ctype_.c << 'EOF'
>  *  Dirty latin1 correction "Dino" Mon Apr  1 1996
< 	_L,	_L,	_L,	_P,	_P,	_P,	_P,	_C
> 	_L,	_L,	_L,	_P,	_P,	_P,	_P,	_C,
> 	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,
> 	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,
> 	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,
> 	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,
> 	_P|_B,	_P,	_P,	_P,	_P,	_P,	_P,	_P,
> 	_P,	_P,	_P,	_P,	_P,	_P,	_P,	_P,
> 	_P,	_P,	_P,	_P,	_P,	_P,	_P,	_P,
> 	_P,	_P,	_P,	_P,	_P,	_P,	_P,	_P,
> 	_U,	_U,	_U,	_U,	_U,	_U,	_U,	_U,
> 	_U,	_U,	_U,	_U,	_U,	_U,	_U,	_U,
> 	_U,	_U,	_U,	_U,	_U,	_U,	_U,	_U,
> 	_U,	_U,	_U,	_U,	_U,	_U,	_U,	_L,
> 	_L,	_L,	_L,	_L,	_L,	_L,	_L,	_L,
> 	_L,	_L,	_L,	_L,	_L,	_L,	_L,	_L,
> 	_L,	_L,	_L,	_L,	_L,	_L,	_L,	_L,
> 	_L,	_L,	_L,	_L,	_L,	_L,	_L,	_L
patch tolower_.c << 'EOF'
>  *  Dirty latin1 correction "Dino" Mon Apr  1 1996
< 	0xc0,	0xc1,	0xc2,	0xc3,	0xc4,	0xc5,	0xc6,	0xc7,
< 	0xc8,	0xc9,	0xca,	0xcb,	0xcc,	0xcd,	0xce,	0xcf,
< 	0xd0,	0xd1,	0xd2,	0xd3,	0xd4,	0xd5,	0xd6,	0xd7,
< 	0xd8,	0xd9,	0xda,	0xdb,	0xdc,	0xdd,	0xde,	0xdf,
> 	0xe0,	0xe1,	0xe2,	0xe3,	0xe4,	0xe5,	0xe6,	0xe7,
> 	0xe8,	0xe9,	0xea,	0xeb,	0xec,	0xed,	0xee,	0xef,
> 	0xf0,	0xf1,	0xf2,	0xf3,	0xf4,	0xf5,	0xf6,	0xd7,
> 	0xf8,	0xf9,	0xfa,	0xfb,	0xfc,	0xfd,	0xfe,	0xdf,
patch toupper_.c << 'EOF'
>  *  Dirty latin1 correction "Dino" Mon Apr  1 1996
< 	0xe0,	0xe1,	0xe2,	0xe3,	0xe4,	0xe5,	0xe6,	0xe7,
< 	0xe8,	0xe9,	0xea,	0xeb,	0xec,	0xed,	0xee,	0xef,
< 	0xf0,	0xf1,	0xf2,	0xf3,	0xf4,	0xf5,	0xf6,	0xf7,
< 	0xf8,	0xf9,	0xfa,	0xfb,	0xfc,	0xfd,	0xfe,	0xff
> 	0xc0,	0xc1,	0xc2,	0xc3,	0xc4,	0xc5,	0xc6,	0xc7,
> 	0xc8,	0xc9,	0xca,	0xcb,	0xcc,	0xcd,	0xce,	0xcf,
> 	0xd0,	0xd1,	0xd2,	0xd3,	0xd4,	0xd5,	0xd6,	0xf7,
> 	0xd8,	0xd9,	0xda,	0xdb,	0xdc,	0xdd,	0xde,	0xff
