Subject: Re: -current and xdm/gdm crashing update
To: Axel Scheepers <>
From: Axel Scheepers <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 02/08/2002 01:27:16
On Thu, Feb 07, 2002 at 05:20:57PM +0100, Axel Scheepers wrote:

See this:
root  231  0.0  0.2   164  1368 ?? S    12:02AM 0:00.01 gdm 
root  230  0.0  0.2   144  1016 ?? Ss   12:02AM 0:00.02 gdm 

one hangs in poll() and the other in wait4():
0x482310eb in poll () from /usr/lib/
0x48211963 in wait4 () from /usr/lib/

lsof shows an open socket for xdmcp:
gdm        230 root    3u  IPv4 0xc0e8c420       0t0    UDP *:xdmcp

but netstat doesn't see it anymore:
01:25am root@apollo:/usr/home/axel $netstat -na | grep LISTEN       
tcp        0      0  *.6000                 *.*                    LISTEN
tcp        0      0  *.21                   *.*                    LISTEN
tcp        0      0  *.22                   *.*                    LISTEN
tcp        0      0  *.2049                 *.*                    LISTEN
tcp        0      0  *.1022                 *.*                    LISTEN
tcp        0      0  *.111                  *.*                    LISTEN

(xdmcp=udp port 177)

ehhmmm.... help? ;-)

Axel Scheepers
UNIX System Administrator

Politicians are the same all over.  They promise to build a bridge even
where there is no river.
		-- Nikita Khrushchev