Subject: Re: Going to try NetBSD -CURRENT
To: None <>
From: John Indra <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 02/07/2002 16:45:17
On Thu, Feb 07, 2002 at 01:07:55AM -0800, Andrew Gillham wrote:

>It also works on Solaris systems. I vaguely remember a cvs message about
>Darwin support as well, but I might be misremembering.

I have been told to go to ;)

>Hmm, it certainly _works_ on "SMP i386 machine", it just uses one CPU.
>There is a branch for the i386 MP code, it is fairly stable on some 
>dual systems, but not so stable on others.

Does that mean NetBSD -CURRENT can't "utilize" SMP i386 machine but there is
another branch of NetBSD that can 'utilize" SMP i386 machine?

What is the maximum number of SMP i386 processors currently supported by
that "special" i386 MP branch?

>Keep in mind that NetBSD doesn't have 200 developers focusing on i386


Please don't flame me. I came from FreeBSD land. I thought, FreeBSD can work
on a quad Xeon, NetBSD would be able to do so too ;)

"I go, I fight, and I win!"