Subject: Re: Going to try NetBSD -CURRENT
To: John Indra <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 02/07/2002 09:26:12
Ahem, that pkg_info from one of our Linux servers:
pkgchk-1.20 Check installed package versions against pkgsrc
cpuflags-0.12 Determine compiler flags to best target current cpu
perl-5.6.1nb6 Practical Extraction and Report Language
sun-jre- Sun's Java(tm) Runtime Environment 1.3.1
p5-FCGI-0.58 perl5 library for FastCGI, a fast startup alternative to CGI
p5-DBI-1.19 the database-independent Perl database access API
expat-1.95.2 XML parser library written in C
gtexinfo-3.12 GNU info file manipulation utilities
m4-1.4 GNU version of Unix m4 macro-processor
apache-1.3.22 HTTP (Web) server
ap-jk-3.2.1 improved connector for accessing Jakarta Tomcat or JServ fro
bulk_mailer-1.13 Assist in delivery of mail to large numbers of recipients
digest-20010807 Message digest wrapper utility
fping-1.20 Quickly ping many hosts w/o flooding the network
gmake-3.79.1 GNU version of 'make' utility
ipw-3.3a "whois" replacement that automatically queries several datab
jakarta-ant-1.3 Apache Project's Java-Based make(1) replacement
ap-fastcgi-2.2.10 New, improved CGI-like interface module for Apache
p5-DBD-postgresql-1.01 perl DBI/DBD driver for PostgreSQL databases
libpcap-0.6.1 System-independent interface for user-level packet capture
libtool-base-1.4.20010614nb4 Generic shared library support script (the script i
jakarta-servletapi-3.2.3 the Apache project's implementation of the JSP and Java
openssl-0.9.6nb2 Secure Socket Layer and cryptographic library
ncurses-5.2 CRT screen handling and optimization package
nmap-2.53 Network/port scanner with OS detection
srsh-1.2 emulate rsh client behavior using ssh
ntp-4.1.0 Network Time Protocol Version 4
p5-Storable-1.0.13 Perl extension module for persistent data storage
openssh- Open Source Secure shell client and server (remote login pro
ap-ssl-2.8.5 SSL/TLS protocols module for Apache
postgresql-lib-7.1.3 PostgreSQL database headers and libraries
p5-Time-HiRes-01.20 perl5 module for high resolution time, sleep, and alarm
postgresql-client-7.1.3 PostgreSQL database client programs
postgresql-server-7.1.3 PostgreSQL database server programs
ntop-1.1nb1 shows network usage (similar to "top" for processes)
jakarta-tomcat-3.2.3 the Apache Project's Java Servlet 2.2 and JSP 1.1 server
links-0.96 Lynx-like text WWW browser
p5-Class-ObjectTemplate-0.4 Perl extension for optimized template builder base c
pgp5-5.0i New, international, Public-Key encryption and digital signat
p5-Text-CSV-Hash-0.02 perl5 module for hash based CSV usage
rsync-2.4.6 Network file distribution/synchronisation utility
sun-jdk- Sun's Java(tm) Development Kit 1.3.1
ttcp-1.12 TCP testing and performance measuring tool
bind-8.2.4nb1 The Berkeley Internet Name Daemon, an implementation of DNS
David/absolute -- No hype required --