Subject: Re: Silly question...
To: None <>
From: Julio Merino <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 02/05/2002 16:44:15
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On Tue, Feb 05, 2002 at 10:54:58AM +0100, Mattias Karlsson wrote:
> Hi!
> I do NetBSD installations quite often, most of the time via ftp,=20
> however do I have to make new installation images (floppy|cdrom)=20
> all the time when there arrives a new release? Would be great to
> use the same cdrom or floppy all the time. The question is, are
> the installation set updated often??
> Best regards,
> Mattias.

New releases often come with a new precompiled kernel in installation
floppies, which may add new functionality. I guess that the install
program will also have new features, though not necessary. In fact,
the installation procedure is quite standard. Partition disk, unpack
sets and setup some things.

I would recommend you to go with new floppies each time, just to be
sure. And I guess that the installation program will change quite
soon because the new 'syspkg' thing.


Of course it runs NetBSD -
Julio Merino (Slink) <>

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