Subject: Re: AMERICAN LAW is dangerous to NetBSD?
To: None <>
From: Todd Gruhn <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 10/27/2001 21:30:31
HMMM... I should read this stuff. I have reason to
beleive its related to UCC 2. Pamela Samuelson
wrote some interesting stuff about UCC 2 in CACM a
couple of years back. I agree with her in that its
a flawed document, and should be reworked. I disagree,
with her in that poin and click liscence acgree ments
should be enforceable. Albeit, the webpage must meet
some reqirements when it come to stating what the
enduser is giving his consent to. AND it wouldn't
hurt to use SSL to ensure the integrity of
the transaction...
By and large, I believe there is a massive disconnect
between copyright of tangibles, and copyright of
intangibles. Since copyright has been around for
about 200yrs, it only makes sense to extend it to
the digital realm. For example, if you whack my
computer, the first thing I will do when I get
evidence it sue ya for tresspass ( ya interfered
with my right to use my resource); no difference
for taking my car on a joy ride... Similar mods
can be made to UCC 1 I believe...
-----Original Message-----
From: Lubomir Sedlacik <>
Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2001 04:21:36 +0200
To: Todd Gruhns Acct <>
Subject: Re: AMERICAN LAW is dangerous to NetBSD?
> hi,
> On Fri, Oct 26, 2001 at 10:07:02PM -0500, Todd Gruhns Acct wrote:
> >
> > OK Jason:
> > Whats is DCMA? I hate all these acronyms...
> DMCA (not DCMA) Digital Millennium Copyright Act
> regards,
> --
> -- Lubomir Sedlacik <> ASCII Ribbon campaign against /"\ --
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