Subject: Re: booting the second disk via a floppy
To: Thomas Mueller <>
From: Don Yuniskis <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 10/26/2001 07:15:44
>> For example, I use BootEasy installed on wd0 and wd1.
>  The PC wants to book off of wd0 ("C:") and drags in the
>  MBR from that disk as part of the IPL.  Since BootEasy
>  replaces the traditional "MBR", it can then present
>  a menu of boot choices -- something like:
>    F1 wd0 partition 1
>    F2 wd0 partition 2
>    F3 wd0 partition 3
>    F4 wd0 partition 4
>    F5 wd1
>> Pressing F5 gives you a similar menu:
>    F1 wd1 partition 1
>    F2 wd1 partition 2
>    F3 wd1 partition 3
>    F4 wd1 partition 4
>    F5 wd0
>Are these partitions all primary?  Can BootEasy recognize 
>a logical partition, or primary only?  I have several boot 
>managers downloaded, am most inclined to use LILO.

Sorry for being imprecise  :-(  These are "partitions"
in the context of DOS's concept of "partition".  A bit
confusing (FreeBSD uses the concept of a "slice" in an
attempt to differentiate between the items described in
the "partition table" contained in the MBR vs. the
partitions described in a disklabel...)

As such, the boot loader (BootEasy in this case) is only
concerned with listing the entries in the "partition
table" on the currently selected disk (F1 - F4), reading
the partition table off a *different* disk (e.g., F5)
and loading and executing the boot record from the 
selected "partition" on the selected disk.  IIRC, a fair
percentage of the BootEasy "code" was the string space
set aside to label the type of partition found on the
disk (e.g., "FreeBSD", "DOS", "Amoeba", etc.).  The
code itself is trivial.

I've thus far avoided the Linux world so no idea what
LILO can/can't do.
