Subject: Re: Is setting ntpdate in rc.conf `safe` in all cases?
To: None <>
From: Piotr Stolc <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 10/22/2001 14:44:30
On Sun, Oct 21, 2001 at 09:50:23AM -0500, Frederick Bruckman wrote:
> It doesn't hurt anything to run "ntpdate" with the network down. The
> default is to try every peer in "/etc/ntp.conf", and that takes about
> two minutes per peer to timeout when there is no connectivity. If
> that's too long, or too short, you can add a "-t timeout" option to
> "ntpdate_flags" in "/etc/rc.conf".
I add "&" character at the end of the line with ntpdate command, so it runs
in the background and do not lock the machine when the network is down.
open your eyes...1984 is now.