Subject: Re: NetBSD Desktop
To: None <>
From: Jan Schaumann <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 10/13/2001 13:46:08 wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 13, 2001 at 12:53:44PM -0400, Jan Schaumann wrote:

> > twm's fine, but I like blackbox better.  Very slick and small, yet I can
> > do everything via keyboard so I don't have to touch the much-hated
> > rodent.
> One thing I like about blackbox over twm is that blackbox supports
> "multiple desktops".  Do you know offhand how to switch between desktops
> using blackbox?

Via mouse (blargs):
On the toolbar, click the arrow

Via keyboard:
Depends on what you configured it for.  If you have a blackbox >= 0.6,
you need to use bbkeys to use keyboard-shortcuts.  The relevant section
of my ~/.bbkeysrc reads:

KeyToGrab(Left), WithModifier(Control+Mod1), WithAction(LeftWorkspace)
KeyToGrab(Right), WithModifier(Control+Mod1), WithAction(RightWorkspace)
KeyToGrab(Up), WithModifier(Control+Mod1), WithAction(UpWorkspace)
KeyToGrab(Down), WithModifier(Control+Mod1), WithAction(DownWorkspace)

Note that I have my workspaces arranged in a 3x3 matrix, which requires
the following lines in your bbkeys-configuration file (say,

bbkeys.columns:               3
bbkeys.rows:                  3

And subsequently, if you want to use bbpager, the following in your
~/ (or wherever you keep the configuration):

bbpager.columns:               3
bbpager.rows:                  3

You can see the resulting arrangement of the desktops at

Sorry for being so verbose ;-)

