Subject: Re: MSN messenger client
To: None <>
From: David <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 10/11/2001 13:42:59
	I installed CCMSN (tk/tcl client) on the NetBSD, seems to work well for MSN and looks like the Windows MSN client, all you have to do is hav tcl and tk installed and just modify a few lines in the ccmsn script file such as #!/usr/bin/wish to /usr/pkg/bin/wish and so forth.  Gaim and Gabber (if you get it working) as well as Jabber, give those a shot.


On Thu, Oct 11, 2001 at 01:07:07PM +0100, wrote:
> Hi,
> Anyone know of a dedicated MSN Messenger client for
> any NetBSD port (pref i386 AND sparc)?  Console / X /
> anything will do.
> BTW, I'm not the one smoking crack for using it but my
> friends are :P
> Thanks,
> - Chris.