Subject: Re: dlopen'ing a plugin that calls functions in the parent...
To: Jasper Wallace <>
From: Oleg Polianski <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 09/11/2001 10:21:20
Jasper Wallace <> writes:

> >  It could be somewhat very similar but looks slightly different (another
> >  symnum) and I still don't understand what exactly could be wrong. I'm trying
> >  to preload shared object which simply overrides some entry points in
> >  `' and does rendering properly (support for anti-aliasing); it
> >  tries to access some code from `' (which is part of locally built
> >  XFree86 4.1.0) as well. But when I start the program (any gtk-based program
> >  which uses font widgets), I get the following:
> >
> > simoom p5 /opt/tmp/gdkxft-1.0 10211% LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/ gfontsel
> > /usr/local/lib/ Undefined PLT symbol "XftFontOpenXlfd" (reloc type = 7, symnum = 67)
> >
> >  I recompiled both, `libXft' and `gdkxft' with `--export-dynamic' but still
> >  have no success. I went through the code, it doesn't look strange - only
> >  dlopen/dlsym/indirect call sequences, i.e. it doesn't have any callbacks and
> >  so on. Still wondering, what could be wrong, any ideas are greatly
> >  appreciated.
> does
> nm /path/to/libXft.whatever | grep XftFontOpenXlfd

 Yep, it does.

> show anything?
> are you using -Wl,--rpath /path/to/libXft/ when you link

 Sure. Moreover, LD_LIBRARY_PATH explicitely points to the required
