Subject: Re: utmp and maxusers.
To: Stephen M Jones <>
From: Wojciech Puchar <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 08/21/2001 21:35:14
> I showed you.
> $ ps -aux|grep -v ??|awk '{print $1}'|sort|uniq|wc -l
>       91
> Look, whats happening is people are logging in and getting
> overwritten in utmp with new users .. so they can still
> be on, but they don't show up in utmp.
it looks like bug IMHO NOT depending on maxusers.

i've tried

while true;do ssh -v -t -t localhost;sleep 2;done|sh

with RSA enabled so you can ssh localhost automatically.

for me at 39'th login it stops waiting for shell prompt, cpu is unloaded,
process and file limits not reached

something is broken