Subject: Re: kernel compile, mlx and other stuff
To: Emre Yildirim <>
From: Wojciech Puchar <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 07/27/2001 10:33:54
> Hi,
> I fixed the compile problem by getting the -current kernel source tarball. I compile
> it andeverything seems to work fine. The problem is (or is it?), I am running a 1.5X
> kernel with1.5.1 userland. The system hasn't crashed yet or anything but, I get weird outputs:
> # netstat -m
> 266 mbufs in use:
> 257 mbufs allocated to data
> 9 mbufs allocated to packet headers
> 4294852542/4294950912 mapped pages in use
> 0 Kbytes allocated to network (0% in use)
> 0 requests for memory denied
> 0 requests for memory delayed
> 0 calls to protocol drain routines
you must install current system utils which uses libkvm.
> One example. Note the 4 billion 'mapped pages in use' that can't be right. Also there
> is no memory allocted to the network, even though I compile the kernel with
> NMBCLUSTERS set to 32768.
> So is this good or bad? This machine has to run stable, because it get's under alot of
> load, serving web, email and ftp (with 100MB+ files each). Should I keep this kernel
> or get the 1.5.1 kernel?
> With this one I can make use of my 100GB RAID array (mlx), but if I go back to using
> 1.5.1 kernel sources, I get:
> # config SOCRATES
> SOCRATES:510: mlx*: unknown device `mlx'
> SOCRATES:511: ld*: unknown device `ld'
> *** Stop.
> And I have to use RAID. I looked for mlx patches on the FTP but couldn't find any. I
> could recompile the whole system from scratch, but I know from experience that it
> would probably fail, because I never got NetBSD to compile from scratch.
> So what would be the best solution to this?
> Thanks for any help/pointers.