Subject: Re: "who" question
To: Steven M. Bellovin <>
From: Mike Parson <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 05/30/2001 16:25:11
In message <>, you write:
> In message <>, "
> Jeremy C. Reed" writes:
>> On Mon, 28 May 2001 wrote:
>>> When I type "who" I can see all users logged on and the hosst they are
>>> logged from. But somehow I can only see part of the hostname (if it's
>>> too long).  Is there a way to make it show the full hostname?
>> /usr/src/usr.bin/who/who.c uses:
>>               printf("\t(%.*s)", (int)UT_HOSTSIZE, up-> ut_host);
>> UT_HOSTSIZE is 16.
>> It would be interesting to add an option for no cropped strings; here is
>> something to try (use the -N switch):
> Without having tried your fix, it's extremely improbable that it would 
> work -- the problem is that the utmp structure has 16-byte host names, 
> and that's all that's recorded at login time.  Your fix, in fact, is 
> likely to cause lots of garbage output, since truncated host entries 
> aren't null-terminated.

How about something more along the lines of Linux's 'last -da'

The -a flag puts the host info in the last column and the -d flag
forces the OS to take the stored IP and re-look it up instead of
using the stored hostname info.  This would require that wtmp store
the IP as well as the hostname, which I'm not sure if NetBSD does.

Michael Parson