Subject: strange find results
To: None <>
From: Jeremy C. Reed <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 05/19/2001 08:46:21
I was playing with find and it showed some strange results:

 rainier:~$  find /home/reed/stuff/floppy2 -mtime -1 -ls
  188494      2 drwxr-xr-x    2 reed     staff          512 Jan 12 10:14
  188496      2 -rwxr-xr-x    1 reed     staff          321 Jan 12 10:20
  146877      0 -rwxr-xr-x    1 reed     staff            0 Jan 12 10:14

I didn't notice this with other files.

I was going to ask if anyone could explain why these files and directory
appear to find to be modified within the last day; but now I think I
figured it out.

 rainier:~$ perl -e '$mtime =
 (stat("/home/reed/stuff/floppy2/RESOURCE.FRK/DESKTOP"))[9]; print
 rainier:~$ date -r 1957544440
 Mon Jan 12 10:20:40 PST 2032

This is from a DOS floppy that was used on a Mac PowerPC that I recently
(Apr. 16) copied to my drive. (Now that I look at it, some of the other
directories are dated "Dec 31, 1979".) If I recall correctly, I copied the
files with "cp -Rp".

Is this normal with DOS floppies or maybe with DOS floppies built on

   Jeremy C. Reed