Subject: Re: dump/restore problems with large output files?
To: Steve Bellovin <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 05/02/2001 11:27:37
On Wed, 2 May 2001, Steve Bellovin wrote:

> The dump is done over the (switched, 100BaseT) network via ssh:
> /sbin/dump -0 -u -f - /usr | ssh "umask 077; cat >$Full/usr.$x"
> When I did a trial restore on the server machine, things weren't
> healthy -- restore said that it reached end-of-file in the middle of
> a file, and that it couldn't finish processing many assorted files.

"ssh" does not give a transparent pipe by default. To use "ssh" as a
general substitute for "rsh", use "-o EscapeChar none". You could also
set that option, by host, in "~/.ssh/config".
