Subject: Re: SCSI vs. IDE
To: Paul Hoffman <>
From: Shannon Hendrix <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/29/2001 23:55:41
On Sun, Apr 29, 2001 at 03:42:47PM -0700, Paul Hoffman wrote:
> At 2:40 PM -0700 4/29/01, Bri wrote:
> >  What makes you think that IDE itself has inherent corruption problems?
> Old stories/myths. Five years ago (the last time I dealt with SCSI in 
> Unix), the story was "SCSI is faster and more reliable than IDE". I 
> know the "faster" part has gone away, but I don't know about the 
> "more reliable".

The faster part hasn't really gone away.  My UDMA drive will outrun my UW SCSI
drives.  However, that's only when streaming data from a large file.  As soon
as a file system gets really busy, the SCSI drive wins, and uses less CPU

If this were not true, big server systems would be built with UDMA drives as
the rule.

Now, I no longer tell people to avoid IDE if they are building a workstation,
because it's probably going to be OK, so long as you buy good drives.  of
course, even a workstation benefits from SCSI if you need the absolute best
speed, and if it's really busy.

--  _________________________________________________
______________________/ armchairrocketscientistgraffitiexistentialist
 "The grieving lords take ship.  With these our very souls pass
 overseas." -- Exile