Subject: Re: offline news/mail client
To: None <>
From: Bob Bernstein <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/29/2001 22:36:56
On Sun, Apr 29, 2001 at 01:58:01PM +0100, Georges Heinesch wrote:

> I'm looking for a good (preferentially x11) offline news and/or mail
> client (either separate or all in one program). Can someone recommend
> a package (pkgrsc)?

No mouse-driven newsreader can come close to tin for quickly
navigating through newsgroups and messages. I run it in a large rxvt
with a large font; that - with tin's colors - makes for a very
easy-on-the-eyes interface.

For grabbing news slrnpull is pure joy and simplicity. I install slrn
just for slrnpull.

For mail, I have dicked around with X-based MUA's for a long time.
Guess what? Yup: mutt in a large rxvt! NO X-based MUA that I know of
can come close to mutt's threading and sorting. Sorry.

Bob Bernstein