Subject: Re: what i see ;) port-s390
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/08/2001 14:56:19
> second or gatter operatiosn per second or whatever. 
> However, the S/390 has its "MIPS" that is not compareable to our 
> Misleading Information on Processor Speed.

or Meaningless Information of Processor Speed
> You may want to visit "" (be shure 
> to use lynx or something that eliminates the dark grey background 
> to make the black text visible!).

> They say:
> "Did anyone notice that the crown jewel from Sun Microsystems, 
> the Starfire, fully equipped actually is more expensive than a top of 
> the line Mainframe from e.g. Hitachi? I personally think this should 
> be an incitement for the typical mainframe manufacturer to wake up 
> and put some serious thought into porting something like Linux to 
> the mainframe.
> Unix systems are slowly getting up on the same levels as the 
> traditional mainframe have had for years. Sun claims to deliver 
> some 3000 mainframe MIPS on a 64-way 64 bit 400 MHz 
> UltraSparc 64Gbyte Starfire."

so the "mainframe MIPS" looks like about 20 MIPS on ultrasparcs ;)