Subject: Re: just moved completely from linux to netbsd-1.5
To: Jeremy C. Reed <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 01/26/2001 15:21:00
> > 1) why /etc/profile isn't executed when starting /usr/pkg/bin/bash ?
> bash only uses /etc/profile if it is invoked as a login shell. Try opening
> bash with --login or using "login" (with bash as your shell). It doesn't
it is opened with this i thing - when logging on text console or when
started from xterm -ls
> use it if you simply type "bash" at a command line (because you are
> already logged in). This should be the same under Linux.
yes i know
> > 2) why umask is set to 002 for ordinary user - which mean all files
> > will be group writable and default group for all uses are the same!!!!
> I am not sure why this was decided. But you can change the .profile for
> your users and /etc/skel/.profile for future users. You can also configure
> to use login.conf login classes and set the umask as you want.
will read manual for this - thanks