Subject: Re: NetBSD-current?
To: Rakhesh Sasidharan <>
From: Jon Lindgren <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 01/25/2001 06:52:46
On Thu, 25 Jan 2001, Rakhesh Sasidharan wrote:


> I wanted to try out -current, but am a bit confused abt where to start. I
> tried going thru the document available abt trackng -current, but I get
> the impression that they all need one to have CVS access.  My machine
> doesn't have Net access -- I just get my hard-disk to my lab once in a
> while, and download things.  Is it possible that I can start using
> -current then ?  Can I just get some files, compile then, and start
> working ?  

The easiest thing to do is to install a snapshot.  This is -current
compiled up into a release.  I know that the snapshots on
are quite old, though, but someone did respond to this thread before with
a spot where some more recent snapshots could be found.

You don't really need to track -current unless you're interrested in
trying the absolute latest and greatest, or you're doing development,
etc...  usually a snapshot is a great way to "step up" for the "average

Of course, if you're interrested in tracking -current on a
daily/weekly/etc. basis, it's not too hard...
> [PS: I need to start using -current, because I so desperately want to
> start using NetBSD, and it seems one of the currents have 16 partitions
> support, which I so badly need.  If it is possible for me to do as said
> above, would somebody tell me which of the snapshots have the 16
> partitions thing in it ?]

Take a look around on for the previous responses to
this thread.  One person (can't remember who) had compiled up a -current
snapshot and placed it up for general availability... this may be an
option for you.

> Oh, one more thing: does tracking -current need a lot of programming
> experience etc, or just some guts to take risks ... :)

It's pretty easy until you hit a problem ;-)  People are generally very
helpful with questions, just make sure you check the FAQs and try
everything there first.  After all, if you're tracking -current, you're a
tester for the latest code release.  And more testers is generally a good
thing (tm).

Hope this helps,

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