Subject: ports in use
To: None <>
From: Erik Huizing <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 12/21/2000 23:16:58
I've nmap'd my machine from an external source, and come up with some odd
results I didn't expect:
1080/tcp filtered socks
31337/tcp filtered Elite
I ran the same test on another machine I run at a different location, and
these didn't come up. The ports aren't open when I run # nmap localhost
I've also tried blocking 31337 in my ipf, but to no avail:
block in log quick proto tcp from any to any port = 31337
when I run ipmon and ipfstat, no hits show up to 31337, but it's still
reported as being open from the outside.
Can anyone offer me any explainations/steps to take to shut 1080 and 31337
The first rule of Fight Club is You Do Not Talk About Fight Club.
// Erik Huizing