Subject: Serial Port Read/Write
To: None <>
From: Alain Volmat <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 12/06/2000 17:05:30

I'm trying to access the serial port from a very simple program. I'm using
NetBSD1.4.3 i386 and I would like the program return me the contents of the
serial port buffer / or 0 if there is no data.
I write this little program but every time the read function return -1.
I know that I use the correct port and also configuration is (I think
correct) because when I use write it works correctly.
Does anyone have an idea about that ??

Thanks in advance.

Alain Volmat



  int count;
  int fd,i;

  char *buff;

  int buffsize = 255;

  buff = (char*)malloc(255);

  fd = open("/dev/tty00",O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NDELAY );
  if( fd==-1)
        perror("unable to open the port");
   fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, FNDELAY);

  count = read(fd,buff,(size_t)buffsize);
 if(count < 0){
        printf("read error!\n");
        return 1;
  printf("[read]%x %x\n",i,buff[i]);
