Subject: Re: netbooting a SS10
To: Andrei Petrov <>
From: Steven Grunza <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 09/21/2000 08:47:02
At 03:11 PM 9/20/00 -0700, Andrei Petrov wrote:
>On Wed, 20 Sep 2000, Steven Grunza wrote:
>> I can mount the file system on the server from the SS10 (the SS10 still has
>> Solaris on it) by doing:
>> mount hw-ss1:/export/hw-sbus/root /mnt
>> I didn't mention it in my previous message but the server is an SS1 running
>> NetBSD-1.4.2
>> grunza@hw-ss1%(1) uname -a
>> NetBSD hw-ss1 1.4.2 NetBSD 1.4.2 (HW-SS1) #0: Mon Aug 21 16:47:11 EDT 2000
>> root@hw-ss1:/usr/src/sys/arch/sparc/compile/HW-SS1 sparc
>Just in case it might help:
>tcpdump -x
>will printout entire packets.
>mountd -d
>gets you log for mount requests, you need to restart it though.
>I'd also take a look into secondary bootloader to check if you can get
>more from there.
>Good luck,
> Andrey
root@hw-ss1#(8) mountd -d
Getting export list.
Got line /usr/pkgsrc -network 172.25 -maproot=0
Making new ep fs=0x706,0x78b
doing opt -network 172.25 -maproot=0
doing opt -maproot=0
Got line
Got line /export/hw-sbus -network 172.25 -maproot=0
Making new ep fs=0x700,0x78b
doing opt -network 172.25 -maproot=0
doing opt -maproot=0
Got line /export/hw-sbus/root -network 172.25 -maproot=0
Found ep fs=0x700,0x78b
doing opt -network 172.25 -maproot=0
doing opt -maproot=0
Got line /export/hw-sbus/root/swap -network 172.25 -maproot=0
Found ep fs=0x700,0x78b
doing opt -network 172.25 -maproot=0
doing opt -maproot=0
Got line /usr -ro hw-sbus
Found ep fs=0x706,0x78b
doing opt -ro hw-sbus
got host hw-sbus
Got line
Got line
Got line
Got line
Got line
Got line
Getting mount list.
Here we go.
Sep 21 08:41:23 hw-ss1 portmap[1702]: connect from to unset(mountd)
Sep 21 08:41:23 hw-ss1 portmap[1703]: connect from to unset(mountd)
Sep 21 08:41:23 hw-ss1 portmap[1704]: connect from to set(mountd)
Sep 21 08:41:23 hw-ss1 portmap[1705]: connect from to set(mountd)
Sep 21 08:41:23 hw-ss1 portmap[1706]: connect from to set(mountd)
Sep 21 08:41:23 hw-ss1 portmap[1707]: connect from to set(mountd)
Sep 21 08:42:16 hw-ss1 rarpd[188]: received packet on le0
Sep 21 08:42:18 hw-ss1 rarpd[188]: received packet on le0
Sep 21 08:42:19 hw-ss1 portmap[1710]: connect from to
You can see the SS10 using rarpd to get it's IP address. It then used tftp
to get the secondary booter:
>> NetBSD/sparc Secondary Boot, Revision 1.8
>> (, Fri Mar 3 17:51:31 PST 2000)
boot: client IP address:
boot: client name: hw-sbus
Can't open NFS network connection on
open: netbsd: Unknown error: code 72: trying netbsd.gz...
Can't open NFS network connection on
open: netbsd.gz: Unknown error: code 23: trying netbsd.old...
Can't open NFS network connection on
open: netbsd.old: Unknown error: code 23: trying netbsd.old.gz...
Can't open NFS network connection on
open: netbsd.old.gz: Unknown error: code 23: trying onetbsd...
Can't open NFS network connection on
open: onetbsd: Unknown error: code 23: trying onetbsd.gz...
Can't open NFS network connection on
open: onetbsd.gz: Unknown error: code 23: trying vmunix...
Can't open NFS network connection on
open: vmunix: Unknown error: code 23
("halt" to halt):
Has anyone used this version of to get an SS10 running?
"Luke, you're going to find that many | Steven Grunza
of the truths we cling to depend | voice: (856) 787 - 2759
greatly on our own point of view." | fax: (856) 866 - 2033
- Obi Wan Kenobi, Return of the Jedi | e-mail: