Subject: Re: netbooting a SS10
To: Andrei Petrov <>
From: Steven Grunza <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 09/20/2000 15:13:28
I can mount the file system on the server from the SS10 (the SS10 still has
Solaris on it) by doing:

mount hw-ss1:/export/hw-sbus/root /mnt

I didn't mention it in my previous message but the server is an SS1 running

grunza@hw-ss1%(1) uname -a
NetBSD hw-ss1 1.4.2 NetBSD 1.4.2 (HW-SS1) #0: Mon Aug 21 16:47:11 EDT 2000
   root@hw-ss1:/usr/src/sys/arch/sparc/compile/HW-SS1 sparc

At 11:22 AM 9/20/00 -0700, Andrei Petrov wrote:
>On Wed, 20 Sep 2000, Steven Grunza wrote:
>> I've almost got an SS10 netbooted.  The serial console is complaining about
>> an unknown error code and tcpdump is seeing UDP packets from the SS10 to
>> the server on port 80.  Some excerpts from console and tcpdump are below.
>> tcpdump after has been transferred:
>> ---------------------------------------------
>> 13:04:31.090430 hw-ss1 hw-sbus rarp 42: rarp reply hw-sbus at hw-sbus
>> 13:04:31.129146 hw-sbus Broadcast ip 138: hw-sbus.1023 >
>> [udp sum ok] udp 96 (ttl 4, id 0)
>> 13:04:31.281484 hw-ss1 hw-sbus ip 118: hw-ss1.sunrpc > hw-sbus.1023: [udp
>> sum ok] udp 76 (ttl 64, id 6767)
>> 13:04:31.311343 hw-sbus Broadcast arp 64: arp who-has hw-ss1 tell hw-sbus
>> 13:04:31.311842 hw-ss1 hw-sbus arp 42: arp reply hw-ss1 is-at hw-ss1
>> 13:04:31.312782 hw-sbus hw-ss1 ip 122: hw-sbus.1022 > hw-ss1.1017: [udp sum
>> ok] udp 80 (ttl 4, id 0)
>> 13:04:32.643880 hw-sbus hw-ss1 ip 122: hw-sbus.1022 > hw-ss1.1017: [udp sum
>> ok] udp 80 (ttl 4, id 0)
>> 13:04:36.644029 hw-sbus hw-ss1 ip 122: hw-sbus.1022 > hw-ss1.1017: [udp sum
>> ok] udp 80 (ttl 4, id 0)
>> 13:04:44.644122 hw-sbus hw-ss1 ip 122: hw-sbus.1022 > hw-ss1.1017: [udp sum
>> ok] udp 80 (ttl 4, id 0)
>I'd check if it's possible to mount filesystem you are booting from from
>another computer. Looks like nfs server is not responding.
>	Andrey 

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