Subject: Perl make question
To: '' <>
From: Adam Pendleton <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 05/09/2000 22:32:58
I hope this is the right list for this, if not, forgive me.  I am trying to
make Perl 5.6.0 from the stable.tar.gz sources on NetBSD 1.4.2, but I am
running into a problem.  I am using Configure -de to create the Makefile.
Running `make` succeeds (or appears to), but I start to run into problems
when I run `make test` (or even skipping that and going right to `make
install`).  I get "FAILED at test 257" when running `make test`.  When I run
`./perl harness` in the "t" directory, I can see that it fails test 257 of
"pragma/warnings".  There is a message displayed before that failure that
says this test might fail on some BSD systems, but that the error can be
ignored as it is only a warning.  The problem, however, is when running
`make install` the install craps out, and I wonder if it has to do with the
test failure.  The install error looks like this:

Can't load 'lib/auto/File/Glob/' for module File::Glob: No such file
or directory at lib/ line 73
  at lib/File/ line 94
Compilation failed in require at installperl line 66
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at installperl line 66
make: *** [install.perl] Error 255

The weird part is, there is a 'lib/auto/File/Glob/', but no
lib/, or lib/File/, also there is no require at
installperl line 66 which reads:

my @pods = (<pod/*.pod>);

Can anyone help me on this one?

Also, does NetBSD support virtual terminals, ie, pressing Ctrl+Alt+F1..F2,


Adam Pendleton