Subject: Re: [linux-usb] Anti-NDA petition
To: Thomas Michael Wanka <>
From: Alexander Langer <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/27/2000 09:51:52
Thus spake David Maxwell (
> 2) Security. You like running kernel code that hasn't been subjected to
> public audit? Just wait for the announcement someday... Linux
> tape backup device driver LKM provides back-door root login...
I don't think that hardware-vendors really do that for binary-drivers.
Or do you see this behaviour on NT/Solaris?
That's exactly the point - afaik many vendors produce binary-drivers
for Solaris.
> driver authors (who are too embarassed to let you see their code?)
> not to trojan your system - LKMs allow someone who does compromise
> your system to become completely invisible, and replace/intercept
Gnaaaaaar. Your PC can also explode.
I'm not sure at the moment: Can kernel-modules be load in securelevel > 0?
> 4) Platform support. So, what are the odds that PCI card vendor 'X' is
You guys don't understand my point: Opensource drivers are preferable,
since they have exactly the advantage you point out, but before I have
NO driver I prefer the binary one.
I need a new ~/.sig.