Subject: Re: Long Filenames from CDROM
To: Andrew Crossley <>
From: Marinier, M. Claude, G. <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 02/25/2000 09:09:25
These is a simple work-around that I have found useful in this case. You
can rename the files to *.tgz. The tar command can handle this.

	tar ztf test.tgz

On Fri, 25 Feb 2000, Frank van der Linden wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 25, 2000 at 06:36:37PM -0800, Andrew Crossley wrote:
> > The first thing I found on my system (AMD K6-II 400 Mhz, 128 mb, 3 x IDE HDs
> > running i386) is that when I installed NetBSD from scratch using the GENERIC
> > kernal, filenames on my cdrom were truncated (is that the right word?) to 8
> > characters plus the extension.
> > 
> > e.g.  I burnt (using WinCrap) sys.tar.gz, config.tar.gz, and pkgsrc.tar.gz to a
> > CDR so as to experiment with a more current kernal.  Using the normal base
> > install, upon mounting the cdrom, the filenames became systar.gz, config~1.gz,
> > and pkgsrc~1.gz respectfully.  I copied the files to the HD renaming them to
> > their proper names.  I built a kernal using the RELEASE sources and the
> > problem was still there.  Upon building a new Kernal from the 20/1/2000 sources
> > the cdrom read the filenames properly.  I have examined the kernal config file
> > in great detail, and can honestly say that apart from the udates to the new
> > kernal config (31/12/1999) I did nothing that was different.
> If you roasted the CDR under Windows, it will very probably have had
> its long filenames specified in the "Joliet" format. A short explanation:
> the most commonly used CD-ROM filesystem format is specified in ISO9660.
> This defines a filename format of 8.3 (8 for the name, 3 for the extension).
> Since this wasn't very suitable for Unix systems, the so-called "Rock Ridge"
> extensions were defined, that enables long filenames in a backward
> compatible way.
> Somewhere later along the line, Microsoft, being Microsoft, came up with
> its own version of long filename support, called "Joliet", which also
> contains an extension for extended character sets.
> 1.4.1 did not support the Joliet long filenames. -current (to be 1.5)
> does. Unfortunately, the patch was not pulled up into 1.4.2, I see now.
> An unfortunate oversight, it was not a that big a change.

Claude Marinier, Information Technology Group 
Defence Research Establishment Ottawa (DREO)    (613) 998-4901  FAX 998-2675
3701 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 0Z4