Subject: Re: bash problem
To: George Sollish <>
From: Christofer C. Bell <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 01/13/2000 10:50:19
On Thu, 13 Jan 2000, George Sollish wrote:

> > 	The other half of the problem is that bash is dynamically
> > linked, and you don't have the shared libraries when /usr isn't
> > mounted.
> > 
> > 	You _really_want_ the root shell to be statically linked.
> > I fully expect to get a fairly limited shell when booting single
> > user..  Furthermore, the rc script expect sh to do their
> > processing.
> > 
> Thanks for the background info.  Time to set my root shells back to
> /bin/sh ...

There is no reason to not use a statically linked bash as root's shell.
As for the rc scripts, they call /bin/sh directly and changing root's
shell will have no impact on them.  The only thing to keep in mind is that
you must have root's shell statically linked or linked against libraries
that reside in /.  It's best to keep it statically linked.

If you would like to use bash as root's shell, recompile it statically
linked and copy it to /bin.  You should encounter no issues doing that.
Purity aside, this will not cause you any negative impact.
