Subject: Re: Q: where to put "image" for rdist
To: VaX#n8 <>
From: Rex McMaster <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 06/29/1999 12:36:19
Perhaps rsync may be easier. and in
the pkg collection.

VaX#n8 writes:
 > For managing multiple hosts with NetBSD, is rdist/sdist the right tool?
 > If so, certainly it is ugly to have an Distfile in every program's directory
 > (not to mention inefficient), so is the idiom to do a "make install" to
 > some "image" directory, then blast that out via rdist?
 > >From an aesthetic perspective, where should one put that image directory
 > (assuming it wasn't /)?  It probably shouldn't be in /tmp, since that
 > might be a mfs; maybe it should go in /var/tmp; automatically making a
 > subdir of the cwd is capricious... comments?
 > Also, one might not want to overwrite /var/log, so you'll need to
 > put some thought into what to dist; could anyone provide a sample
 > distfile?
 > It seems like it would be useful to have a boot floppy that brought
 > the machine up to a state ready to receive an rdist, yes?  I had
 > problems getting inetd/rsh happy.  Does anyone have a list of the
 > required programs?  I could find them out but it takes significant
 > effort, since little or no debugging info is provided.
 > Please keep me in the addressees, as I'm not on this list.
 > --
 > VaX#n8 - Little, Yellow, Different

Rex McMaster                   
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