Subject: PCMCIA SCSI support options...?
To: None <>
From: Matthew Hacker <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/12/1999 11:15:28
I've been thinking of adding a SCSI card to my laptop and I've
run into a few questions:

It appears that the Adaptec APA-1460 SlimSCSI card will work
nicely.  True?

What about the APA-1450 card?  I've seen this at a few place for
roughly half the price of the 1460.  What's the difference
between the two?

Would the ZIP Drive SCSI card work?  Does it support other SCSI
devices as well?

I tried to figure some of this out on my own, but the Adaptec web
site was less than helpful (for instance I couldn't find out
what the chipsets for various cards is.)  Sigh.
