Subject: Re: sed? anyone?
To: Andrew Brown <>
From: Randy Devol <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 03/16/1999 08:24:07
At 01:19 AM 3/16/99 -0500, Andrew Brown wrote:
><sigh> can someone recommend a good reference for sed? the usd
>section lacks anything more than simple examples, the unix programming
>environment doesn't help much more, the o'reilly book is more awk than
>sed, and the man pages lacks for examples (yes, i know all the man
>pages could do with some).
I found the book, "UNIX Power Utilities" by John Muster very helpful. It
covers more than just sed but there are nearly 40 pages of explanation and
examples for sed.
P.S. Neat address :-)
-=O=- Randy
In "A Scanner Darkly," was Philip K. Dick foreshadowing Web commerce:
"Someday, he thought, it'll be mandatory that we all sell the McDonald's
hamburger as well as buy it; we'll sell it back and forth to each other
forever from our living rooms."