Subject: RE: sed? anyone?
To: Andrew Brown <>
From: Tim Rightnour <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 03/16/1999 02:31:17
On 16-Mar-99 Andrew Brown spoke unto us all:
#  <sigh> can someone recommend a good reference for sed?  the usd
#  section lacks anything more than simple examples, the unix programming
#  environment doesn't help much more, the o'reilly book is more awk than
#  sed, and the man pages lacks for examples (yes, i know all the man
#  pages could do with some).

Oreilly makes a good book called "Mastering Regular Expressions".  I know some
people who say it's excellent, but honestly I found everything I needed in the
sed/awk book.

Tim Rightnour  -
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