Subject: Problems with mtools 3.0
To: None <netbsd-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jaromir Dolecek <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/23/1997 21:23:33
I have problem with mtools 3.0. I cannot format any diskette with that.
It states:
mformat: init: open: Operation not supported
I tried Linux 3.0 mformat if i didn't miss anything, it said:
mformat: init: open: Operation not supported on transport endpoint
so I am close to thing that's some Mtools bug. I tried my friend's
mtools 2.0.7's mformat and it works normally, yes, on same device.
I heard that some patch to mtools is here around, but I don't know where :-(
When I compiled it about 2 months ago, it was not even able to write to
floppy via mcopy, but 'twas just bad device, if I remember correctly.
Any suggestions ? I use device /dev/rfd0a, the record in devices.c
look like this:
#ifdef netbsd
#define predefined_devices
struct device devices[] = {
{"/dev/rfd0a", 'A', HD312 }
#define INIT_NOOP
And, second:
Is there any way how can i create/read >1.44MB diskettes ? I tried
fdformatted diskeetes (about 1.7MB) on Linux mtools 3.0 read normally,but
I have problems reading it on my NetBSD. Some of them were readable,
some of them were not (mdir didn't write any contents of such diskette
and I were not able to read anything from it via mcopy).
Thanks for any help, suggestions or pointers.
Jaromir Dolecek UVT MU, Botanicka 68A, Brno, 60200 Tel.: +42-5-4151 2258
It is better never to have been born. But who among us has such luck?
One in a million, perhaps.
Jaromir Dolecek UVT MU, Botanicka 68A, Brno, 60200 Tel.: +42-5-4151 2258
It is better never to have been born. But who among us has such luck?
One in a million, perhaps.