Subject: Re: NetBSD DOSEMU -- questions from a prospective NetBSD user
To: Markus Illenseer <>
From: Paul Hollow \(3Y0\) <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/23/1997 21:03:03
> >  - How easy is it to install NetBSD?

I found it very easy to install and get the basic installation kernel up and
running (i386 version, that is...)

> >  - Where can I get a NetBSD CD-ROM?
>  It seems that outside Germany my CD-ROM is rather unknown. Only Australia
> purchased more than expected yet :-) Therefore a pointer:
>  This CD-ROM is dedicated to NetBSD-Amiga, therefor interesting for every
> m68k-platform, but of course holds the entire NetBSD distribution version
> 1.1 for all platforms including i386. And the CD's cheaper than BSDisc :-)

I bought that CD from 17-Bit Software over here in England, and it's brilliant,
well done to all those involved with it.. :-)

The CD is mainly orientated towards the Amiga and i386 versions of NetBSD, but
a whole host of other platforms are also included on the CD.  Well worth
getting, and brilliantly put together.  Also includes XFree-86, which saved me
alot of hassles in setting it up.



  _   _ ___  ph-a @    C=  /// There's no such thing
 I I_I I _ \ hollow @       A1200 ///  as gravity...
 I  _  I  _/ Dept. of Computer Science  \\\/// ...the Earth just sucks.
 I_I I_I_I   University of York, UK      \XX/