Subject: Re: NoCol 4.01
To: Erik Johannessen <>
From: Matthew N. Dodd <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/23/1997 20:59:53
On Mon, 29 Jan 1996, Erik Johannessen wrote:
> HAs anyone successfully buildt this program on NetBSD 1.1? I can't get it 
> to build, and I would like to use it to monitor our networks load.

Heh... Me too. :)  I've only played with it and haven't really tried
very hard, but one of my linux friends said the only way to compile
it was to use the *BSD network header files.  Boggle.

| Matthew N. Dodd   |    |    |
| Technical Manager | |        |
| InterSurf Online  | "Welcome to the net Sir, would you like a handbasket?"|