Subject: Re: looking for X calculator
To: None <>
From: Kent S. Gordon <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 07/12/1995 20:33:59
>>>>> "jspath" == Jim Spath <> writes:

    > I'm looking for a calculator program that runs under X11.  The
    > stock xcalc just gives me some odd rectangles with a 0 in the
    > middle.  I've checked out rpncalc and hexcalc from FTP.X.ORG;
    > rpncalc needs some Sun code, while hexcalc is integer only.  Any
    > pointers appreciated. TIA!

This sound like a configuration problem with some wildcard X resource
entries.  I would try xcalc again after doing a xrdb -load /dev/null
(to clear the resource database).  If this fixes the problem, look for
entries in .Xdefaults, .xresource (or other resource files) that have
entries like *geometry (most likely reason) or some other star record.

Kent S. Gordon
Postal(Home): 76 Corral Drive North, Keller, Texas 76248
Phone: (817)431-8775 (night)