Subject: Spice (2G6 or 3F4) on NetBSD
To: None <netbsd-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jeff Thieleke <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 06/04/1995 05:08:01
Has anyone been able to sucessfully run either Spice 2 or 3 on NetBSD?

I compiled Spice 2G6 on my NetBSD system, and although it compiled 
without errors, when I actually tried to run some data through Spice it 
failed.  I tried both the small.inp and large.inp sample decks, and they 
both produced the same memory errors, such as this:

(output from Spice)

0*error*: system error, address     537142 is not on 4-byte boundary
0*error*: system error, address     537142 is not on 4-byte boundary
0*error*: system error, address     537138 is not on 4-byte boundary
0*error*: system error, address     537138 is not on 4-byte boundary
0*error*: system error, address     537142 is not on 4-byte boundary
0*error*: system error, address     537138 is not on 4-byte boundary
0table pointer invalid
0*abort*:  internal memory manager error at entry extmem
0*error*: system error, address     537138 is not on 4-byte boundary
0*error*: system error, address     537138 is not on 4-byte boundary
0current pointer       @ = z134284
 corsiz=   4000
 maxmem= 400000
 avlspc=   2580
 ldval=   5522
0                        memory allocation map
              blknum memorg memsiz  memuse usrptr  addr    name
                   1      0      0      0      0        -1z
                   2      0   1256   1256      0    146051z ielmnt
                   3   1256      4      2    628    146056z itemps
                   4   1260      0      0   1260    146106z nsnod
                   5   1260      0      0    630    146108z nsval
                   6   1260      4      4   1260    146109z icnod
                   7   1264      8      8    632    146111z icval
                   8   1272      0      0    636    147085z
                   9   1272     12      9   1272    146067z junode
                  10   1284     12      9   1284    146070z iorder
                  11   1296     12     10   1296    146072z iur
                  12   1308   2584      1*******    134285z
                  13   3892      0      0   3892    134284z
0                        end of allocation map

I was compiling Spice on a m68k Amiga system, if that matters.  
The source for for Spice 3f4 is also available, but I didn't try to 
compile that.  Maybe someone with the X libs could try it (Henric...are 
you out there??  :)

Jeff Thieleke