Subject: NFS problems on NetBSD-1.0
To: None <netbsd-users@NetBSD.ORG, netbsd-help@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Andrea Schwertner Charao <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 06/01/1995 10:43:51
I have two 486 running NetBSD1.0, and I have tried to export
a NFS partition from one machine to the other. I got the
partition mounted, but when I try to access the mounted
directory, the system **simply hangs** (I cannot stop or abort
the access).
My exports file is the following:
And fstab has this entry: /home/verde nfs rw 0 0
Showmount at the server shows the client's name on export list.
I have played with rpcinfo, and it seems my problem have to do
with nfsd, because 'rpcinfo -p verde' (verde is the server) shows:
100003 2 udp 2049 nfs
100003 2 tcp 2049 nfs
and 'rpcinfo -n 2049 -u verde 100003' produces:
rpcinfo: RPC: Timed out
program 100003 version 2 is not available
I cannot figure out what is going wrong, and I don't know if something
is missing. Could anyone, please, help me with some hints?
Please, e-mail me directly.
Thanks in advance,
Andrea Schwertner Charao