Subject: Re: HotJava?
To: Joern Clausen <joern@TechFak.Uni-Bielefeld.DE>
From: Tobias Weingartner <weingart@austin.BrandonU.CA>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/06/1995 12:06:02
In message <>, Joern Clausen 
> > Does anyone have the time/inclination/experience to offer to work on
> > porting Sun's HotJava browser to various NetBSD architectures?
> > 
> > <URL:> for more info.
> Java looks really cool, but befor porting it to several NetBSD
> architectures, could some kind soul please port Motif to several
> NetBSD architectures? Otherwise, porting java won't be much fun.

I am currently (exam time distraction) working on Motif-1.2.4 for
a 1.0(i386) box.  I don't know what the regs are to distribute the

| Tobias Weingartner | Email: weingart@BrandonU.Ca | Need a Unix sys-admin?  |
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